Oct 11 2024, 4:14pm
Views: 2227
It's time for Fiesta - let's party!
Welcome to this week's Fiesta Friday celebration! This week was pretty much a wash for moi, as I'm still fighting RSV. Pretty much the same symptoms, but this week added a new one: I lost my voice and haven't been able to speak in more than a whisper all week. It's a real hanger-on-er. I've been trying to accomplish some tasks that I can do sitting and resting on the couch (which is quite a few, thankfully), but have had to postpone any calls, lol. Luckily, B.G. is almost 100% over it, so there's hope! Our sun has been providing us with more solar activity this week, with northern lights visible in parts of Colorado I hear. Have any of you seen them this week (or southern lights)? What else have you been up to, and what fun plans do you have for the weekend? Do let us know. And, of course, order up your favorite drinkie and don't miss Bilbo's special eggs benedict, and omelet/waffle station at the buffet! *puts quarters on juke box* play us a good weekend song, and have an amazing wonderful weekend!   
(This post was edited by Altaira on Oct 11 2024, 4:16pm)