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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Gaming and Collecting: Here are some things I've found...: Edit Log

Grey Havens

Oct 9 2024, 9:35pm

Views: 40691
Here are some things I've found...

The Bodleian Library has a shop with some exclusive Tolkien items.
I particularly like these Luthien Pendants: https://bodleianshop.co.uk/...lack-ceramic-pendant

Calendars are always a great idea, and Harper Collins publishes a new one each year: https://www.harpercollins.com/...r-2025-j-r-r-tolkien

Wetanz.com is a fun place to browse and is always updating with new movie merch, from fridge magnets to prop replicas. Most recently, these beautiful metal silhouettes: https://www.wetanz.com/...aihir-collaborations

Etsy, of course has a range of handmade items. I'll just share this wrapping paper as one example: https://www.etsy.com/...ng-paper-tag-lord-of

But you can also keep an eye out for unexpected finds, that look or feel Tolkien. Last year my sister got me this mug that is totally giving Hobbitcore: https://www.etsy.com/...mountains-design-mug

Unfortunately The Rings of Power is lacking any official merch. But the official soundtrack is available on this gorgeous vinyl: https://a.co/d/3FVBxWf

And if you're really aiming to impress, Woodsted Studios has a few prop replicas, including Morgoth's Crown and Feanor's hammer: https://www.woodstedstudios.com/...age/hammer-of-feanor

(This post was edited by AshNazg on Oct 9 2024, 9:38pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by AshNazg (Grey Havens) on Oct 9 2024, 9:38pm

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