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The One Ring Forums: Off Topic: The Pollantir: Hard to say, of course...: Edit Log

Tol Eressea

Dec 27 2023, 5:17am

Views: 17148
Hard to say, of course...

...especially with Return of the King, which, although I find it uneven places, really has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to iconic moments. But I voted for:

FOTR - Chamber of Mazarbul (write-in): I know the showdown between Gandalf and the Balrog is the climax of the Moria sequence, and I do love it, but I have a soft spot for the fight with the goblins and the troll in the Chamber of Mazarbul. That's chiefly because I'm a video-game-firster and this fight was the basis for one of the levels in EA's The Two Towers (which adapted the events of the first two films). I have lots of good memories of that game (and its sequel), on top of them being my gateway to Middle-earth in general.

FOTR - Amon Hen: Back in 2015, I watched the trilogy for the first time in about four years,* and I have a vivid memory of getting to the end of Fellowship and being blown away all over again at how good it was. Unambiguously my favorite of the trilogy, and the entire Amon Hen sequence (not just the battle) ties everything together perfectly.

TTT - Helm's Deep: 'Nuff said.

ROTK - Minas Morgul signal: I probably wouldn't have mentioned this as a highlight when I was younger and the films were newer to me, but it stands out in my memory as a great moment of dread and tension as well as anticipation. But not too much dread and tension; the Shelob sequence is also a standout in that arena, but as someone with a phobia of bugs, I can't really call it a personal favorite. :P

ROTK - Charge of the Rohirrim: 'Nuff said.


* It's currently going on 7.5 years since I last saw the trilogy (in summer 2016, when I finally watched all three EEs in one day). I'll get back to it eventually, but setting aside the time for even one of the films feels like a bigger deal than it used to, even though I can easily get absorbed in other things for three or four hours or more without blinking. I think it's because reading or watching a TV show has natural breaks between chapters/episodes, and feeling that I could stop at any of them makes a mental difference.

(This post was edited by Eldy on Dec 27 2023, 5:19am)

Edit Log:
Post edited by Eldy (Tol Eressea) on Dec 27 2023, 5:19am

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