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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Main: Has the Tolkien fandom/community changed?: Edit Log

Grey Havens

May 12, 7:39pm

Views: 10241
Has the Tolkien fandom/community changed?

I'm sorry for admitting this, but I just found myself literally crying over some comments I saw on YouTube. It was a video discussing Eowyn and feminism.

As you can imagine this subject attracted a lot of political debate in the comments, which I guess is natural, but then it struck me how common these political comments are in other videos and even in this forum, when they often aren't relevant. I'm sure it never used to be this way - but it seems increasingly that there's an attempt to gatekeep Tolkien, particularly from the rightwing, but there has been unpleasantness from the whole political spectrum. And it just made me so sad to see this and realise how difficult it has become to have a full and nuanced discussion.

Has Tolkien always been considered far-right literature and I've just been ignorant to it? I always used to associate it with hippies and the left. What happened? I don't see how either side can claim it over another and say things like "Tolkien doesn't fit into your modern world view, they're not compatible". What happened to applicability? Timelessness? Why are these same comments absolutely everywhere?

One of my favourite aspects of all Tolkien's stories is the recurring strength in pluralism. We're shown repeatedly how the division between races and peoples results in distrust and corruption, and that good only comes when people put aside their differences and work together to fight against the ONE singular, to rule them all. I think Tolkien would be ashamed to see how these political interpretations have divided his fans.

Sorry if this was poorly written, or if I said anything wrong. I'm emotional and not as articulate as I'd like to be.

(This post was edited by AshNazg on May 12, 7:51pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by AshNazg (Grey Havens) on May 12, 7:41pm
Post edited by AshNazg (Grey Havens) on May 12, 7:51pm
Post edited by AshNazg (Grey Havens) on May 12, 7:51pm

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