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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Reading Room: My family certainly does.: Edit Log

Ethel Duath

Apr 19, 6:43pm

Views: 9248
My family certainly does.

Our spot has been RMNP, and it always feels like coming home. We always approach them by driving in the same way, because to us it's like a carefully written but divinely inspired symphony. First, there is the glimpse of the high peaks at the edge of the high plains, where we all try to figure out who has really seen them first, or are they "just clouds." Then it's the approach through Big Thomson Canyon, where my mom always sings part of Brahms first symphony, and the rest of us are mostly inspired to awed silence. And then the Rockies open out. I would say that land has shaped us profoundly, even though we don't live there, but perhaps the plains where we grew up shaped us into people who desire uplift and exaltation.

(There's something about the plains, too.)

Unfortunately, like the plains, some landscapes seem to inspire use rather than appreciation, although that, too, has begun to shift; but I agree that mountains and their surroundings are so intoxicating--and arresting--that it would be natural for that to begin to change people.

(This post was edited by Ethel Duath on Apr 19, 6:44pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by Ethel Duath (Half-elven) on Apr 19, 6:43pm
Post edited by Ethel Duath (Half-elven) on Apr 19, 6:44pm

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