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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: TV Discussion: The Rings of Power: ...: Edit Log


Mar 11, 1:49pm

Views: 19873

To my mind they have just gone with a compression.

All of the story, from the construction of Barad-dûr to the sack of Eregion etc will take place during Isildur's lifetime.

I'm not sure that they'll take the Third Age action very far past the Gladden Fields. As you say, the Harfoots heading West might be a good way to draw a line under everything.

Galadriel's line from the Jackson movies that, "...History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge..." is to my mind too nice a bit of storytelling for them to pass on.

(This post was edited by TFP on Mar 11, 1:49pm)

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Post edited by TFP (Lorien) on Mar 11, 1:49pm

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