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Greenwood Hobbit

May 10, 4:59pm

Views: 21328
Only because you found the oil!

You've been having rainy days, whereas I was caught on the hop by a better-than-anticipated patch of weather for my short camping trip this week! I ended up a bit overdressed. A short break in the comfortably Shire-like rolling hills of Shropshire more than made up for that, though. The nearest town is Church Stretton, which is charming and a popular base for walkers enjoying the ridge of the Long Mynd, which is a bit more Rohan-like. If you Google Small Batch campsite and click on the gallery you'll see pictures of the site and surrounding area. It was my first visit and I'd certainly go again. When camping I rarely eat well, so salads are an excellent idea! I wasn't brought up with exotic salad dressings and have never really got into the habit. When I was a child it was Heinz salad cream or nothing! I do enjoy whatever dressing it is that they put on a caesar salad and Hellmanns mayo is always welcome. I've tried a light Italian-style dressing and like that - I should branch out more!
My garden herbs tend to be more admired than used, though I have a useful selection. Chives go into a lot of things and an omelette has to have thyme; I also have rosemary, sage, parsley - I'm not going to Scarborough Fair, though! Mint's out there, as is marjoram and lemon balm (good bee plants!) fennel and hyssop.Cheers folks - have a good weekend!
I'm trying hard to think of rainy day music; the last time this came up I chose 'It's raining men' by the Weather Girls - thats the best I can do! [Edit: bit of a frisky vid, that one! Sly]


(This post was edited by dernwyn on May 10, 5:54pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by Greenwood Hobbit (Valinor) on May 10, 5:02pm
Post edited by dernwyn (Forum Admin) on May 10, 5:54pm

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