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Greenwood Hobbit

Apr 26, 9:49pm

Views: 14328
Wow, 25 years!

What a lot of experiences have been shared and friendships made in that time. I wish I could remember exactly when I joined TORn - that's lost in the mists of the old boards - but I think I was fairly well into it shortly after FOTR came out. The first Sibs I met were Frogmella and Trinity the Purple, when I was down in London for work, then (in no particular order) Eledhwen, River Woman, Cheshire Cat, Arwenelf, Induhvidual, Belethdelothiel, Probono, Roheryn, Draupne, Hengist - there were more, I'm sure, but the names escape me. We met up for the Howard Shore concert, the Science Museum exhibition and the Edinburgh Fringe. Cheshire Cat and I saw Sir Ian McKellen as Widow Twankey at The Old Vic too. Happy days!

This evening I've been to a 60th birthday party, the first proper party I've been to in ages, so I'm tired now - a total party pooper! The buffet was good (though not as pretty as that owl salad!) so I'll just nibble on a brownie and have a cup of hot chocolate before dragging my weary body to bed. I never did have much stamina but now it's beyond a joke! Still, I met and chatted with some old work contacts, which was good. Cheers, folks - sweet dreams!

(This post was edited by Greenwood Hobbit on Apr 26, 9:51pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by Greenwood Hobbit (Valinor) on Apr 26, 9:51pm

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