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  Expand entire thread Sticky: A reminder about error messages. Inferno 54824 3 Oct 28 2010, 11:52am Jump to last post in thread (by Kangi Ska)

Collapse Sticky: **TORn 10th Anniversary Tributes to our Founders from VIP FRIENDS OF TORn!!** Note--> VIP Posts have hearts next to them :-) Kelvarhin 131116 326 Apr 25 2009, 3:11pm Jump to last post in thread (by SirDennisC)
     Collapse Message from Guillermo del Toro Kelvarhin 118303 13 Apr 25 2009, 3:12pm
           Collapse *Your* hips and thighs maybe Altaira 117458 1 Apr 25 2009, 4:29pm
               What she said... : ) greendragon 117087 0 Apr 25 2009, 5:41pm
           It is amazing the tide of spirit silneldor 116984 0 Apr 25 2009, 7:44pm
           I look forward Peredhil lover 116878 0 Apr 25 2009, 8:01pm
           Looking forward to the next 10 years! entmaiden 90546 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:42pm
           Tank you Kangi Ska 61183 0 Apr 25 2009, 11:52pm
           Here's to 10 more!!! grammaboodawg 86823 0 Apr 26 2009, 1:39am
           Thankyou Guillermo! Elven 71613 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:42pm
           Be glad you're not Yaqui! Dreamdeer 71656 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:45pm
           The last 10 years have also gone to my heart. deej 65896 0 Apr 26 2009, 4:15pm
           It is a strange fate Smeagirl/Girllum 66043 0 Apr 26 2009, 4:42pm
           To Guillermo! OhioHobbit 66280 0 Apr 26 2009, 5:18pm
           Thanks Kangi Ska 51884 0 Apr 27 2009, 12:28am
     Collapse Message from Doug Jones Kelvarhin 117675 9 Apr 25 2009, 3:14pm
           Welcome to the family, Doug! Altaira 117255 0 Apr 25 2009, 4:31pm
           Very apt comparison :) Peredhil lover 117008 0 Apr 25 2009, 8:02pm
           Welcome to the Tolkien family! entmaiden 90160 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:45pm
           *waves madly! Howdy!! grammaboodawg 86220 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:16am
           Welcome to the family! Ainu Laire 58203 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:42am
           Yay Doug! and Welcome! ... Elven 71585 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:47pm
           Welcome to the family, Doug! // deej 66057 0 Apr 26 2009, 4:16pm
           Thank you Doug very much for contributing silneldor 51781 0 Apr 26 2009, 10:53pm
           Pleased to meet you! Smeagirl/Girllum 52050 0 Apr 27 2009, 12:01am
     Collapse Message from Kristin Thompson Kelvarhin 117528 12 Apr 25 2009, 3:15pm
           A wonderful journey, Kristin Altaira 116874 0 Apr 25 2009, 5:53pm
           You know already Peredhil lover 116577 0 Apr 25 2009, 8:12pm
           Welcome Kristin! silneldor 116551 0 Apr 25 2009, 8:15pm
           Thanks, Kristin entmaiden 90280 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:46pm
           *warm hug* That was so lovely grammaboodawg 61988 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:39am
           That is wonderful. Ainu Laire 58182 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:45am
           Thankyou Kristin ... Elven 71123 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:59pm
           Hi, Kristin! OhioHobbit 65841 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:39pm
           Thanks for joining our party! I really enjoyed your book. Smeagirl/Girllum 65923 0 Apr 26 2009, 4:54pm
           Kristin, thank you... Quickbeam 57848 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:22pm
           it's been nice having you on the LOTR Movie board lately... weaver 60769 0 Apr 27 2009, 4:42pm
           Wonderful! Thank you! // Lossefalme 59555 0 May 3 2009, 4:32am
     Collapse Congrats, and Many Thanks Greg Wright 117511 8 Apr 25 2009, 5:13pm
           Wonderful sentiments, Greg Altaira 116282 0 Apr 25 2009, 5:57pm
           Thank you Greg for stopping in silneldor 117320 0 Apr 25 2009, 9:07pm
           Collapse Good to see you, Greg! entmaiden 90396 1 Apr 25 2009, 10:47pm
               Yes, Entmaiden Greg Wright 90116 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:55pm
           Collapse It's great to be able to visit again grammaboodawg 61923 1 Apr 26 2009, 3:16am
               You Got it Right, Gramma Greg Wright 61782 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:41am
           Lovely to see you here Greg! Tehanu 58297 0 Apr 26 2009, 7:26am
           A fine gentleman MrCere 54884 0 Apr 27 2009, 7:04am
     Collapse Love to all and thanks! Colleen Doran 117662 13 Apr 25 2009, 6:13pm
           Returning the sentiments, Colleen Altaira 116819 0 Apr 25 2009, 6:37pm
           Oh, I recognize your name! Peredhil lover 116725 0 Apr 25 2009, 7:58pm
           Welcome Colleen:) silneldor 90566 0 Apr 25 2009, 9:27pm
           Wonderful story, Colleen entmaiden 89962 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:51pm
           Collapse It's so great to have you here! grammaboodawg 86471 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:11am
               I'm glad you liked the feet! Colleen Doran 59911 0 May 1 2009, 1:02am
           It's wonderful to see you here. Ainu Laire 58303 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:48am
           Hugs and Kisses Garfeimao 57982 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:01am
           Collapse Hugs from Daniel Reeve DanielReeve 71430 1 Apr 26 2009, 11:08am
               Hi Daniel! Colleen Doran 59783 0 May 1 2009, 1:19am
           Thank you... Dreamdeer 65830 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:53pm
           Hello, Colleen! Lynnette Porter 65993 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:02pm
           FANTASTIC as always to see you, Colleen Quickbeam 57946 0 Apr 26 2009, 6:23pm
     Collapse Message from Anne Petty Altaira 117226 4 Apr 25 2009, 7:31pm
           Thank you Anne silneldor 90886 0 Apr 25 2009, 9:42pm
           What a nice message! entmaiden 90186 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:52pm
           Thank you so much! grammaboodawg 62011 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:22am
           Thank you, Anne! deej 65476 0 Apr 26 2009, 4:19pm
     Collapse Happy Birthday from all your friends at Weta! Magnus 120285 38 Apr 25 2009, 8:48pm
           Thank you Rosie-with-the-ribbons 117693 0 Apr 25 2009, 9:02pm
           wow! just... wow! Magpie 116944 0 Apr 25 2009, 9:06pm
           As I wait Ataahua 116880 0 Apr 25 2009, 9:07pm
           That made me laugh and cry at the same time! Altaira 90840 0 Apr 25 2009, 9:45pm
           Collapse HEY, that was super you guys!!!! silneldor 90993 1 Apr 25 2009, 10:07pm
               You are too kind... all of you... Magnus 90695 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:22pm
           Wow! Aunt Dora Baggins 90795 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:14pm
           Wow - thanks to everyone at WETA! entmaiden 89927 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:56pm
           Thank you to all you wonderful people! / Kimi 60826 0 Apr 25 2009, 11:17pm
           What a delight! Thank you so much! // dernwyn 60841 0 Apr 25 2009, 11:48pm
           Wow!! Jazmine 60683 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:00am
           Thank you Magnus Kelvarhin 86278 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:07am
           That was great! Peredhil lover 61698 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:55am
           What a great time for all! stacyrobyn 57890 0 Apr 26 2009, 5:33am
           Too cool! // Aerin 57682 0 Apr 26 2009, 5:52am
           How FANTASTIC is that?! stormcrow20 58098 0 Apr 26 2009, 6:24am
           That was absolutely wonderful! Ainu Laire 58420 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:53am
           Bwuhahahaha Garfeimao 58168 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:17am
           How cool was that! calisuri 71312 0 Apr 26 2009, 11:50am
           Too cool!! Elven 71292 0 Apr 26 2009, 1:07pm
           Collapse the levels of LOTR fandom are complex ringers rock! 65856 3 Apr 26 2009, 3:17pm
               Collapse I'm gonna steal that second line... Magnus 60140 2 May 3 2009, 7:09am
                   Collapse Willowbank Trees update hobbithearted 59458 1 May 30 2009, 4:24pm
                       Oh! Kelvarhin 55884 0 May 31 2009, 3:46pm
           That was lovely - thank you!! // deej 65906 0 Apr 26 2009, 4:20pm
           Collapse *falls out of chair* Smeagirl/Girllum 65917 7 Apr 26 2009, 5:01pm
               lol Magpie 58484 0 Apr 26 2009, 5:28pm
               Same here Rosie-with-the-ribbons 58162 0 Apr 26 2009, 5:39pm
               Collapse Careful, Smeagirl... Sunflower 54774 3 Apr 26 2009, 8:46pm
                   Collapse LOL, that would be rather tragically funny! Smeagirl/Girllum 51936 2 Apr 26 2009, 11:53pm
                       Collapse Cure for Squee Dreamdeer 51691 1 Apr 27 2009, 12:10am
                           But . . . Smeagirl/Girllum 51813 0 Apr 27 2009, 12:21am
               *laughs* Kelvarhin 54887 0 Apr 27 2009, 2:10am
           Absolutely fantastic!!! OhioHobbit 65987 0 Apr 26 2009, 5:12pm
           Gratitude! Dreamdeer 58327 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:09pm
           hey, you guys can sing, too! weaver 55229 0 Apr 27 2009, 1:12am
           This is great!!! Thank you, most talented people! // simplyaven 54643 0 Apr 27 2009, 2:43am
           I'm speechless! Lossefalme 59446 0 May 3 2009, 4:48am
     Collapse The Road goes on and ever on...and Fictional Frontiers is truly thankful... sawan66278 117708 15 Apr 25 2009, 9:10pm
           Cheers Sohaib! / Ataahua 90623 0 Apr 25 2009, 9:13pm
           Your sentiment is very touching silneldor 90224 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:20pm
           Collapse Thank you for your work! entmaiden 90391 2 Apr 25 2009, 10:58pm
               Collapse Happy Annniversary from Lady of the Mist Lady of the Mist 62024 1 Apr 26 2009, 4:06am
                   Hey Lady, wonderful to see you! Tehanu 58399 0 Apr 26 2009, 7:47am
           So glad you could make it, Sohaib! Altaira 86531 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:55am
           *applause* Hear, hear! grammaboodawg 61695 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:01am
           Ah! A truel Fellowship ... Elven 71157 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:16pm
           Collapse Sohaibs Anniversary Message sent out on the Internet Airwaves to tORN Elven 58116 3 Apr 26 2009, 5:21pm
               Collapse And just to let people know.. Magpie 58352 1 Apr 26 2009, 5:24pm
                   Bwahah! Elven 58028 0 Apr 26 2009, 6:22pm
               How very cool! Smeagirl/Girllum 54943 0 Apr 27 2009, 12:37am
           Thank you Sohaib! Sunflower 54595 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:07pm
           thanks for stopping by.... weaver 61333 0 Apr 27 2009, 4:43pm
           Thank you Sohaib Kelvarhin 60014 0 Apr 28 2009, 2:50am
     Collapse Message from Daniel Reeve DanielReeve 92139 122 Apr 25 2009, 10:17pm
           Collapse Wow! Aunt Dora Baggins 90339 1 Apr 25 2009, 10:30pm
               TORn Messageboards map DanielReeve 90110 0 Apr 25 2009, 10:35pm
           Collapse Welcome, Daniel! Altaira 90382 16 Apr 25 2009, 10:45pm
               Collapse Sketching DanielReeve 60891 15 Apr 25 2009, 11:22pm
                   Collapse I'd love to see some examples! Altaira 60834 14 Apr 26 2009, 12:36am
                       Collapse Quick watercolours DanielReeve 86444 13 Apr 26 2009, 1:35am
                           Collapse Wow, such evocative paintings, Daniel. Ataahua 86753 1 Apr 26 2009, 1:51am
                               No problem! DanielReeve 86247 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:05am
                           Collapse I like fast, immediate and loose Altaira 61908 5 Apr 26 2009, 3:32am
                               Collapse Bag End in ink washes DanielReeve 61980 1 Apr 26 2009, 4:47am
                                   What a great description Altaira 58171 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:23pm
                               Collapse Tuatara DanielReeve 58110 2 Apr 26 2009, 5:00am
                                   I love that Magpie 65748 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:34pm
                                   He *is* majestic, isn't he Altaira 58023 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:27pm
                           Collapse That is amazing to me . . . Smeagirl/Girllum 57925 4 Apr 26 2009, 5:19pm
                               Collapse Try charcoal DanielReeve 54887 3 Apr 26 2009, 8:53pm
                                   Collapse Thanks, I'll try that! Smeagirl/Girllum 51561 2 Apr 26 2009, 11:28pm
                                       Collapse Tooth DanielReeve 51797 1 Apr 27 2009, 12:21am
                                           *bites paper* Smeagirl/Girllum 52040 0 Apr 27 2009, 12:30am
           Collapse Welcome Daniel! silneldor 90328 18 Apr 25 2009, 10:56pm
               Collapse Painting DanielReeve 60601 17 Apr 25 2009, 11:38pm
                   Collapse I could not resist silneldor 86574 16 Apr 26 2009, 1:06am
                       Collapse That makes me think... Magpie 86971 2 Apr 26 2009, 1:15am
                           Here are some photos of the frames: Ataahua 86972 0 Apr 26 2009, 1:32am
                           Map frames thread DanielReeve 86177 0 Apr 26 2009, 1:45am
                       Collapse Map DanielReeve 86423 12 Apr 26 2009, 1:38am
                           Collapse Daniel i just recieved permission silneldor 58201 9 Apr 26 2009, 5:20pm
                               Collapse Elven's good! DanielReeve 55018 8 Apr 26 2009, 8:59pm
                                   Collapse Well, I can offer these Magpie 55395 6 Apr 26 2009, 9:48pm
                                       Elven photos in Magpie's post Alicia 54859 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:50pm
                                       And for good measure... Magpie 55506 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:50pm
                                       Collapse WOW!!! DanielReeve 52112 2 Apr 26 2009, 11:07pm
                                           Collapse Oh gosh .. Elven 54728 1 Apr 27 2009, 5:13am
                                               Coloured pencils DanielReeve 55252 0 Apr 27 2009, 5:20am
                                       Those are wonderful! Ainu Laire 54600 0 Apr 27 2009, 1:07am
                                   I just took this photo silneldor 54787 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:54pm
                           Collapse Where are my manners? Dreamdeer 58519 1 Apr 26 2009, 8:11pm
                               Early posting DanielReeve 54852 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:02pm
           Collapse Cheers, Daniel! entmaiden 90076 11 Apr 25 2009, 11:02pm
               Collapse Greetings fellow conspirator! DanielReeve 60514 10 Apr 25 2009, 11:43pm
                   Collapse Wasn't sure you would recognize the e-mail addy entmaiden 60688 9 Apr 25 2009, 11:59pm
                       Collapse Sketching and Valaquenta DanielReeve 60520 6 Apr 26 2009, 12:13am
                           Collapse My first thought in reading it was... Magpie 61148 5 Apr 26 2009, 12:17am
                               Collapse New here! Alicia 60375 4 Apr 26 2009, 12:24am
                                   Collapse A warm welcome to you Alicia:) silneldor 86585 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:37am
                                       Thank you! Alicia 62034 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:43am
                                   Collapse From one newbie to another DanielReeve 62043 1 Apr 26 2009, 3:49am
                                       Sketching Alicia 61714 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:54am
                       Collapse Email Vic about that... Tehanu 57843 1 Apr 26 2009, 7:34am
                           I will, Tehanu - thanks! entmaiden 66069 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:32pm
           Collapse Hi Daniel! Kimi 60685 2 Apr 25 2009, 11:16pm
               Collapse Kia ora Kimi DanielReeve 60433 1 Apr 25 2009, 11:51pm
                   You're so very kind! Kimi 86745 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:52am
           Collapse Hey Daniel Magpie 61247 2 Apr 26 2009, 12:00am
               Collapse Painting and paper DanielReeve 60592 1 Apr 26 2009, 12:35am
                   That's even more impressive Magpie 86723 0 Apr 26 2009, 1:14am
           Collapse Welcome to the celebration, Daniel! dernwyn 60689 4 Apr 26 2009, 12:17am
               I covet that map entmaiden 60695 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:19am
               Collapse Life changing DanielReeve 86355 2 Apr 26 2009, 12:48am
                   Collapse Greetings Daniel Garfeimao 58155 1 Apr 26 2009, 9:37am
                       Distances on maps DanielReeve 57758 0 Apr 26 2009, 10:28am
           Collapse Adding my appreciation of the map sevilodorf 62549 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:45am
               Projects DanielReeve 61756 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:30am
           Collapse There you are! :D grammaboodawg 61959 1 Apr 26 2009, 3:35am
               Yep, made it at last DanielReeve 61908 0 Apr 26 2009, 4:32am
           Collapse It's so nice to see you here! weaver 61905 1 Apr 26 2009, 3:55am
               Chatting DanielReeve 61900 0 Apr 26 2009, 4:25am
           Collapse Thank you, Daniel! Peredhil lover 61650 4 Apr 26 2009, 3:57am
               Collapse Bon voyage! DanielReeve 62061 3 Apr 26 2009, 4:20am
                   Collapse She's off Kelvarhin 61972 2 Apr 26 2009, 4:45am
                       Collapse Lurking DanielReeve 58038 1 Apr 26 2009, 5:08am
                           LOL Kelvarhin 58239 0 Apr 26 2009, 5:11am
           Collapse What a great job Rosie-with-the-ribbons 58170 10 Apr 26 2009, 7:15am
               Collapse Narnia Winter Map DanielReeve 57998 9 Apr 26 2009, 8:16am
                   Collapse That one is beautiful Rosie-with-the-ribbons 58376 5 Apr 26 2009, 8:38am
                       Collapse Narnia DanielReeve 58311 4 Apr 26 2009, 10:32am
                           Collapse And you couldn't Rosie-with-the-ribbons 57769 3 Apr 26 2009, 10:48am
                               Collapse Hmmmm DanielReeve 71355 2 Apr 26 2009, 10:53am
                                   Collapse Oh, oh, am I feeling Rosie-with-the-ribbons 71235 1 Apr 26 2009, 11:24am
                                       WOW!!!! DanielReeve 71422 0 Apr 26 2009, 11:33am
                   This is a beautiful map ... Elven 71399 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:14pm
                   Now you've got me wondering... Dreamdeer 58253 0 Apr 26 2009, 7:56pm
                   I love that winter map. Aunt Dora Baggins 59754 0 Apr 30 2009, 10:43pm
           Collapse Hello Daniel! Ainu Laire 58395 4 Apr 26 2009, 8:56am
               Collapse Art for a living DanielReeve 58316 3 Apr 26 2009, 10:48am
                   Collapse I didn't think you remembered me! Ainu Laire 58222 2 Apr 26 2009, 6:33pm
                       Collapse Evolution DanielReeve 54761 1 Apr 26 2009, 9:08pm
                           Thank you! Ainu Laire 54896 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:23pm
           Collapse Great to see you here Daniel ... Elven 71406 4 Apr 26 2009, 1:38pm
               Collapse Thanks Elven DanielReeve 54741 3 Apr 26 2009, 9:17pm
                 Collapse Book by Daniel! Alicia 54637 1 Apr 26 2009, 9:24pm
                       Here's hoping DanielReeve 51908 0 Apr 26 2009, 11:13pm
                   This sounds great! Elven 54779 0 Apr 27 2009, 5:28am
           Collapse I was hoping you'd be here, Daniel! Lily Fairbairn 71306 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:42pm
               maps and meetings DanielReeve 54588 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:35pm
           Collapse Hello, Daniel! Lynnette Porter 65912 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:56pm
               Lynette! DanielReeve 54895 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:40pm
           Collapse Aha! An answerer of questions! Dreamdeer 65928 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:57pm
               Clearing distraction DanielReeve 54800 0 Apr 26 2009, 10:08pm
           Collapse Hello Daniel. . . OhioHobbit 65820 1 Apr 26 2009, 4:04pm
               Greetings DanielReeve 55103 0 Apr 26 2009, 10:11pm
           Collapse Thank you, Daniel deej 65690 8 Apr 26 2009, 4:23pm
               Collapse It comes in pints? DanielReeve 54946 4 Apr 26 2009, 10:14pm
                   Collapse You may need to start building your tolerance entmaiden 51937 1 Apr 26 2009, 10:19pm
                       Lotsa pints! DanielReeve 51796 0 Apr 26 2009, 10:24pm
                   Collapse I keep forgetting that whole 'southern hemisphere' thing. deej 54929 1 Apr 27 2009, 2:13am
                       say what? Garfeimao 55234 0 Apr 27 2009, 8:05am
               Collapse Oooh next Spring? Jazmine 54752 2 Apr 27 2009, 12:39pm
                   Collapse Great! deej 54871 1 Apr 27 2009, 2:21pm
                       Better late than never! Alicia 59902 0 Apr 27 2009, 4:08pm
           Collapse So glad you could join us! We're honored to have you here. :-) // Smeagirl/Girllum 58216 1 Apr 26 2009, 5:28pm
               Wouldn't miss it... DanielReeve 51645 0 Apr 26 2009, 10:16pm
           Collapse *fangirl moment* Alassëa Eruvande 58591 3 Apr 26 2009, 8:32pm
               Well cone on your part, to AE. Magpie 58383 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:35pm
               Collapse Valaquenta DanielReeve 51859 1 Apr 26 2009, 10:21pm
                   *more blushing* Alassëa Eruvande 51907 0 Apr 26 2009, 10:30pm
           Collapse Great to see you hear Daniel Quickbeam 51897 1 Apr 26 2009, 10:50pm
               Cheers Quickbeam DanielReeve 52001 0 Apr 26 2009, 11:11pm
           Collapse many thanks and one question ElanorTX 51790 2 Apr 26 2009, 11:31pm
               Collapse Tolkien flavour DanielReeve 51743 1 Apr 27 2009, 12:19am
                   Fascinating! Smeagirl/Girllum 51842 0 Apr 27 2009, 12:25am
           Wow! Lossefalme 59483 0 May 3 2009, 4:54am
     Collapse Happy anniversary, congratulations, thanks, and much love! Lynnette Porter 90954 9 Apr 25 2009, 10:35pm
           Collapse Sharing our "Tolkien experience"' together Altaira 90444 1 Apr 25 2009, 10:56pm
               RE" Sharing our Tolkien experience Lynnette Porter 71359 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:36pm
           Collapse Lynette! So good to see you entmaiden 60746 1 Apr 25 2009, 11:04pm
               Thanks for letting me join the party! Lynnette Porter 71247 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:40pm
           Collapse Welcome Lynnette!! silneldor 61033 1 Apr 25 2009, 11:21pm
               Truly the best fellowship Lynnette Porter 71231 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:46pm
           Collapse Well said :) grammaboodawg 71086 2 Apr 26 2009, 2:07pm
               Collapse At least 10 more! Lynnette Porter 66039 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:51pm
                   *scribbles title* Excellent!! grammaboodawg 54511 0 Apr 27 2009, 2:16am
     Collapse Happy Birthday! Specter 61291 12 Apr 25 2009, 11:49pm
           Collapse Ooh, love your greeting! dernwyn 60750 1 Apr 25 2009, 11:55pm
               You're welcome! Specter 60679 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:07am
           What a lovely greeting! entmaiden 60651 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:10am
           Collapse Greetings Spector! silneldor 60836 2 Apr 26 2009, 12:28am
               Collapse silneldor Specter 86583 1 Apr 26 2009, 12:44am
                   ...*Contemplating* silneldor 86557 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:55am
           Thank you, Specter Altaira 86154 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:46am
           That's lovely! Thank you! / Kimi 86464 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:54am
           Collapse Gorgeous! *geeky hand-clapping* grammaboodawg 86324 2 Apr 26 2009, 2:23am
               Collapse Thank YOU Specter 86318 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:35am
                   It's excellent! Kelvarhin 61882 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:27am
           May your fandom and ours... Dreamdeer 65565 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:03pm
       Collapse Just saw the vid and the card Xoanon 86790 2 Apr 26 2009, 1:17am
           With a life-size prop of Smaug, of course (a la Mumakil) Sunflower 86369 0 Apr 26 2009, 1:32am
           2019!? I'm there! :D grammaboodawg 71308 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:15pm
     Collapse Message from Amy Sturgis Altaira 62350 12 Apr 26 2009, 3:01am
           Collapse Welcome Amy! silneldor 61888 4 Apr 26 2009, 3:58am
               Collapse Happy Birthday TORn! Eldameldo 61547 2 Apr 26 2009, 4:06am
                   Collapse Welcome Eldameldo! silneldor 71547 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:10pm
                       Thanks Silneldor Eldameldo 65847 0 Apr 26 2009, 5:01pm
               Thank you! Amy H. Sturgis 59732 0 Apr 29 2009, 11:34am
           Collapse A new book! How exciting! entmaiden 71307 1 Apr 26 2009, 12:39pm
               Thank you! Amy H. Sturgis 59588 0 Apr 29 2009, 11:38am
           Collapse She really has been a compatriot through this all :) grammaboodawg 71360 1 Apr 26 2009, 2:23pm
               Thank YOU so much! Amy H. Sturgis 59865 0 Apr 29 2009, 11:43am
           Collapse Hello, Amy! Lynnette Porter 65782 1 Apr 26 2009, 3:11pm
               Hello, Lynnette! Amy H. Sturgis 60174 0 Apr 29 2009, 12:22pm
           Thanks! Amy H. Sturgis 59719 0 Apr 29 2009, 11:40am
     Collapse Comment from John Noble at Newport Beach Film Festival Garfeimao 58296 5 Apr 26 2009, 10:10am
           Awesome Garfeimao ... Elven 71071 0 Apr 26 2009, 12:33pm
           That would be excellent Garfeimao :D // Kelvarhin 71512 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:20pm
           Coordinate that Venue G :D grammaboodawg 71329 0 Apr 26 2009, 2:29pm
           Welcome Garfeimao! silneldor 65714 0 Apr 26 2009, 3:29pm
           That's wonderful! Ainu Laire 58209 0 Apr 26 2009, 6:44pm
     Collapse Message from Douglas A. Anderson Altaira 66116 7 Apr 26 2009, 4:31pm
           Thanks, Douglas! Luthien Rising 58227 0 Apr 26 2009, 6:57pm
           So glad he sent a message! entmaiden 58049 0 Apr 26 2009, 7:15pm
           Greetings Douglas! Always a pleasure. Quickbeam 58305 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:13pm
           Greetings Doug! silneldor 54488 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:32pm
           Oh wow! Smeagirl/Girllum 51706 0 Apr 27 2009, 12:33am
           In less than two weeks, in Kalamazoo N.E. Brigand 54702 0 Apr 27 2009, 6:11am
           Cheers Mr. Anderson ;) grammaboodawg 60199 0 Apr 28 2009, 4:47pm
     Collapse Hasty Greetings & a big tree-hug of LOVE Quickbeam 58714 12 Apr 26 2009, 8:09pm
           Wonderful to see you here! Ainu Laire 58316 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:19pm
           Lovely words Quickbeam! greendragon 57950 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:29pm
           Well met, Quickbeam! Altaira 54567 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:40pm
           So glad you stopped by Quickbeam. entmaiden 55048 0 Apr 26 2009, 8:45pm
           Welcome! Sunflower 54814 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:03pm
           Welcome Quickbeam silneldor 54545 0 Apr 26 2009, 9:14pm
           Yay! I remember your "Where the stars are strange" report, Ataahua 52064 0 Apr 27 2009, 12:08am
           Praises to your phrases! weaver 55000 0 Apr 27 2009, 1:21am
           Dragons! Yes! dernwyn 54770 0 Apr 27 2009, 2:13am
           What lovely words... They warmed my heart! // simplyaven 54662 0 Apr 27 2009, 2:45am
           Very eloquent Garfeimao 55005 0 Apr 27 2009, 7:54am
           *flying tackle-hug!* THERE YOU ARE! grammaboodawg 60723 0 Apr 29 2009, 5:02pm
     Collapse Message from Doug Adams Altaira 55170 7 Apr 26 2009, 9:10pm
           Woo-hoo! entmaiden 54921 0 Apr 26 2009, 10:16pm
           Welcome Doug Adams silneldor 51564 0 Apr 26 2009, 10:17pm
           *boggles* This party gets better and better! Smeagirl/Girllum 52093 0 Apr 27 2009, 12:15am
           All the nice guys are dropping by! weaver 55053 0 Apr 27 2009, 1:23am
           Great to see you here ... Elven 59791 0 Apr 27 2009, 7:06pm
           Isn't this a riot of a party!? :D grammaboodawg 60106 0 Apr 30 2009, 12:47am
           I was literally just reading my CC booklet again this week! Lossefalme 59472 0 May 3 2009, 4:58am
     Collapse Message from Michael Drout Altaira 55198 7 Apr 27 2009, 4:03am
           Wow thanks! MrCere 54919 0 Apr 27 2009, 5:01am
           Thanks again to Professor Drout! N.E. Brigand 54919 0 Apr 27 2009, 6:29am
           Thanks to a great guy! squire 55200 0 Apr 27 2009, 10:05am
           Oh, excellent! entmaiden 55291 0 Apr 27 2009, 1:59pm
           that was so nice to read... weaver 60632 0 Apr 27 2009, 4:48pm
           Very well put! // Magpie 59856 0 Apr 27 2009, 7:03pm
           Thank you so much! grammaboodawg 59712 0 Apr 30 2009, 12:52am
       A veritable blast from the past. SirDennisC 40095 0 Apr 26 2015, 5:46pm

  Sticky: How Best to Contact an Admin for Help Kyriel 110654 0 Mar 31 2009, 10:40pm Jump to last post in thread (by Kyriel)

  Sticky: Thread Locked Welcome to the Feedback Board Altaira 68803 0 Jan 6 2007, 6:31pm Jump to last post in thread (by AltairaGuest)

  Expand entire thread A new essay DwellerInDale 3438 1 Sep 18, 8:02pm Jump to last post in thread (by Ataahua)

  Expand entire thread A mystery of C's and T's in the Reading Room CuriousG 5385 6 Aug 13, 10:47pm Jump to last post in thread (by CuriousG)

  Expand entire thread Bungled link noWizardme 2465 2 Aug 6, 4:07pm Jump to last post in thread (by noWizardme)

  Expand entire thread could you remove a text duplication, please? noWizardme 1684 3 Aug 2, 8:59pm Jump to last post in thread (by Ataahua)

  Expand entire thread Will "War of the Rohirrim" eventually get its own forum on ToRN's Message Boards?... Bladerunner 7899 1 Jun 22, 12:04am Jump to last post in thread (by DGHCaretaker)

  Expand entire thread Can you fix missing quote text? noWizardme 4414 2 Jun 5, 4:13pm Jump to last post in thread (by dernwyn)

  Expand entire thread Broken link report CuriousG 400264 2 Apr 29, 12:39am Jump to last post in thread (by cats16)

  Expand entire thread Small edit... Dwarewien 34169 1 Apr 18, 9:51am Jump to last post in thread (by Eledhwen)

Expand entire thread !ekawA !seof ,erif ,raeF !NROT dekcah evah snagilooH !pleH \\ CuriousG 23775 4 Apr 2, 10:15pm Jump to last post in thread (by Ethel Duath)

  Expand entire thread Fan Art limit DwellerInDale 3626 1 Jan 27, 2:19pm Jump to last post in thread (by Altaira)

  Expand entire thread a typo fix, if possible please! Felagund 48567 11 Jan 30, 5:37pm Jump to last post in thread (by Ethel Duath)

  Expand entire thread respectfully asked: why is this board not covered by secure connection / https ? Maciliel 9389 6 Sep 7, 3:24pm Jump to last post in thread (by AshNazg)

  Expand entire thread Post disappeared CuriousG 3856 3 Dec 31 2023, 11:34pm Jump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

Expand entire thread I bungled a hypertext link - please can you fix? noWizardme 5873 1 Nov 11 2023, 7:25pm Jump to last post in thread (by Ataahua)

  Expand entire thread Dear Admins: I've stopped getting email alerts, Ethel Duath 11307 45 Oct 27 2023, 6:40pm Jump to last post in thread (by Starling)
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