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  Expand entire thread Children of Hurin light re-read Eruonen 3281 15 Jul 14, 7:55am (Silvered-glassJump to last post in thread (by Silvered-glass)

  Expand entire thread *** Shire Discussion: The Shire From Near and Far oliphaunt 3501 14 Jul 11, 2:57am (elentari3018Jump to last post in thread (by elentari3018)

  Expand entire thread How much did Sauron know? Junesong 3253 17 Aug 31, 8:35am (AsgerJump to last post in thread (by Asger)

  Expand entire thread Some bits of info from a re-read of The House of Tom Bombadil Eruonen 4054 30 Jun 13, 8:12pm (FelagundJump to last post in thread (by Felagund)

  Expand entire thread ***Shire Discussion: how "Three's Company" (& more) tease us with Shire insights CuriousG 4524 35 Jun 14, 2:17pm (Silvered-glassJump to last post in thread (by Silvered-glass)

Expand entire thread Reminder: We still need Post-Hostings (sounds like a cereal . . .) for Ethel Duath 2700 7 Jun 18, 2:31pm (elentari3018Jump to last post in thread (by elentari3018)

  Expand entire thread Excellent analysis of who Galadriel was and her innate powers Eruonen 3510 19 Aug 24, 7:41pm (MacilielJump to last post in thread (by Maciliel)

  Expand entire thread *** Shire Discussion: Bilbo's Shire, Frodo's Shire oliphaunt 102541 92 Jun 10, 9:01pm (FelagundJump to last post in thread (by Felagund)

  Expand entire thread Trees in the Shire Curious 253643 34 May 29, 3:31pm (CuriousJump to last post in thread (by Curious)

  Expand entire thread My post on trees in the Shire is coming! My apologies! Curious 9903 3 May 1, 11:44pm (Ethel DuathJump to last post in thread (by Ethel Duath)

  Expand entire thread Gandalf the White = Saruman (Serious) (Revised) Silvered-glass 5976 14 May 26, 9:02pm (Silvered-glassJump to last post in thread (by Silvered-glass)

  Expand entire thread Possible ideas for Lost Tales discussions Silvered-glass 4224 1 May 1, 5:48pm (Silvered-glassJump to last post in thread (by Silvered-glass)

  Expand entire thread ***Shire Discussion: General Hobbit Culture CuriousG 90163 67 Mon, 3:51pm (CuriousGJump to last post in thread (by CuriousG)

  Expand entire thread Happy Eclipse Day! (Or Wayward Tilion Day.) Curious 4155 2 Apr 9, 1:50am (elentari3018Jump to last post in thread (by elentari3018)

Expand entire thread Official Shire Discussion Sign-up thread! Third and seventh/eighth taken so far. Sign up in a reply Ethel Duath 6115 17 Apr 19, 1:54am (Ethel DuathJump to last post in thread (by Ethel Duath)
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