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  Expand entire thread Gandalf was right not to throw The Ring into the sea! NottaSackville 1732 6 Feb 22 2007, 10:18pm (Timbo_mbadilJump to last post in thread (by Timbo_mbadil)

  Expand entire thread Scenes from the Hat Aerlinn 5609 53 Feb 22 2007, 7:46am (ElvenJump to last post in thread (by Elven)

  Expand entire thread Gollum/Smeagol sing Barry White grammaboodawg 1544 5 Feb 21 2007, 10:07pm (teddiwenJump to last post in thread (by teddiwen)

Expand entire thread Tolkien sighting! Lady of Light 1668 8 Feb 21 2007, 9:23pm (PattyJump to last post in thread (by Patty)

  Expand entire thread Treeshade Daeorn Aldalómë 2084 13 Feb 22 2007, 5:04pm (Daeorn AldalómëJump to last post in thread (by Daeorn Aldalómë)

  Expand entire thread They're leaving home, bye bye Aerlinn 3137 16 Feb 22 2007, 2:43am (LoresilmeJump to last post in thread (by Loresilme)

  Expand entire thread TIME - February 19 (Our first TIME here :) grammaboodawg 4163 32 Feb 23 2007, 1:06pm (dernwynJump to last post in thread (by dernwyn)

  Expand entire thread So, have most of our old regular posters signed in? Patty 7332 61 Nov 9 2007, 3:37pm (barahliofrohanJump to last post in thread (by barahliofrohan)

Expand entire thread Let's talk ORC- it's around the corner! teddiwen 2137 15 Feb 22 2007, 11:03pm (teddiwenJump to last post in thread (by teddiwen)

  Expand entire thread The Orc In The Corner is NOT gone! Ufthak 2703 16 Feb 19 2007, 6:55pm (Idril CelebrindalJump to last post in thread (by Idril Celebrindal)

  Expand entire thread It's time for some BS! Finding our way :) grammaboodawg 2786 14 Feb 19 2007, 7:04am (PattyJump to last post in thread (by Patty)

  Expand entire thread First post redux Eärwen Swan Maiden Of Alqualondë 9932 16 Feb 19 2007, 3:36pm (CiarsJump to last post in thread (by Ciars)

  Expand entire thread Can you hear the music? Magpie 10749 3 Feb 19 2007, 8:51am (Nessa InglorionJump to last post in thread (by Nessa Inglorion)

  Expand entire thread anyone feeling just a little sad? a.s. 39343 74 Feb 22 2007, 8:49pm (Timbo_mbadilJump to last post in thread (by Timbo_mbadil)

  Expand entire thread hello - elvendala calling... elvenhobbit 5696 6 Jan 10 2011, 9:38pm (NomadJump to last post in thread (by Nomad)
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