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  Expand entire thread Happy 20th anniversary of LotR:RotK's Academy Awards triumph!! 11 out of 11!!!!!!!!!!! elf_wannabee 10052 8 May 16, 2:22pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

Expand entire thread Walk to Rivendell... and Beyond! February 22 grammaboodawg 17884 6 May 16, 10:49am (DelrondJump to last post in thread (by Delrond)

Expand entire thread TIME - February 15 grammaboodawg 10219 36 Mar 13, 4:00am (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread Have you ever heard of the TV show "Icons Unearthed"? grammaboodawg 4178 4 Feb 21, 1:19pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Exploring the Tolkien, Lewis and Williams collections a Wheaton College Eruonen 3266 0 Feb 11, 11:47pm Jump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread My Tolkien Pipe Malcolm Guite Eruonen 2804 2 Feb 9, 3:32pm (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread so, you reckon you know your map of Middle-earth inside out...? Felagund 3008 5 Mar 14, 1:06am (elentari3018Jump to last post in thread (by elentari3018)

  Expand entire thread Bruce Hopkins (Gamling) flips-out for charity Ataahua 2840 3 Jan 25, 1:31am (dernwynJump to last post in thread (by dernwyn)

  Expand entire thread Middle Earth Chart Turk_182 3699 4 Jan 27, 4:44pm (GreenHillFoxJump to last post in thread (by GreenHillFox)

Expand entire thread It's time for some BS! grammaboodawg 6743 34 Feb 16, 1:17pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread Join us for Ozmoot 2024 - Sydney Australia - January 26-28 2024 Drongo Barefoot 2356 1 Jan 22, 11:01am (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread In depth look at Pipe Weed - "What actually is Pipeweed? In Deep Geek" Eruonen 2859 2 Feb 8, 2:58am (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread A sandwich for the homeless Roheryn 4675 27 Jan 10, 5:37am (AtaahuaJump to last post in thread (by Ataahua)

  Expand entire thread It appears that Tolkien's works have moved into the public domain in NZ. Ataahua 2932 8 Jan 14, 10:01am (CMackintoshJump to last post in thread (by CMackintosh)

  Expand entire thread Today is Tolkien's Birthday! Hugo19 2202 3 Jan 5, 12:57am (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)
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