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  Expand entire thread Apologia - Can you help me settle a difference of opinion? The Grey Elf 5424 30 Oct 21 2017, 4:25am (PattyJump to last post in thread (by Patty)

  Expand entire thread Where to post about a LotR app...? tinkermarm 2009 3 Sep 18 2017, 10:55pm (tinkermarmJump to last post in thread (by tinkermarm)

  Expand entire thread which are you? Annael 3777 6 Dec 13 2017, 1:55am (sparrowruthJump to last post in thread (by sparrowruth)

  Expand entire thread When it comes to good news/bad news moments, which do you prefer to hear first? And why? The Grey Elf 2570 5 Sep 20 2017, 3:29am (CaptainMorganJump to last post in thread (by CaptainMorgan)

  Expand entire thread do we need some new Internet Warrior tropes? Annael 2274 10 Sep 25 2017, 4:16pm (AnnaelJump to last post in thread (by Annael)

  Expand entire thread Nappy Naps? Altaira 3823 5 Jan 8 2018, 9:52am (NancyBonnerJump to last post in thread (by NancyBonner)

  Expand entire thread Pen or pencil? Darkstone 8980 19 Dec 13 2017, 1:53am (sparrowruthJump to last post in thread (by sparrowruth)

  Expand entire thread Allergies, anyone? Altaira 5153 23 Oct 11 2017, 12:55pm (The Grey ElfJump to last post in thread (by The Grey Elf)

  Expand entire thread How many [blank] does it take to change a Palantir display bulb? Which of these is correct? Ethel Duath 3970 13 Jul 20 2017, 6:59pm (Aunt Dora BagginsJump to last post in thread (by Aunt Dora Baggins)

  Expand entire thread Best MCU Film (updated) ange1e4e5 3221 6 Nov 17 2017, 4:32pm (KingTurgonJump to last post in thread (by KingTurgon)

  Expand entire thread How do you prefer to enjoy Middle-earth? Ataahua 8352 12 Jul 31 2017, 12:51pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread Does the length of the book affect your decision to read it? Annael 11185 11 Oct 31 2020, 12:52pm (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread Guardians of the Galaxy VS. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 HOBBITFAN13 2083 2 May 22 2017, 9:31pm (ange1e4e5Jump to last post in thread (by ange1e4e5)

  Expand entire thread Favorite X-Men film(updated) OldestDaughter 2040 6 May 14 2017, 4:04pm (AnnaelJump to last post in thread (by Annael)

  Expand entire thread Do you ever quit a novel you're reading? The Grey Elf 3681 15 May 17 2017, 2:46pm (AnnaelJump to last post in thread (by Annael)
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