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  Expand entire thread What kind of sleeper are you? Annael 3531 8 May 5 2017, 9:29pm (sparrowruthJump to last post in thread (by sparrowruth)

  Expand entire thread Cats or Dogs lionoferebor 5481 19 Apr 25 2017, 7:38pm (IlmatarJump to last post in thread (by Ilmatar)

  Expand entire thread Coffee or Tea lionoferebor 3586 20 Oct 31 2020, 12:54pm (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread Best Wolverine Solo Film ange1e4e5 2744 9 Mar 29 2017, 5:49am (NecromancerRisingJump to last post in thread (by NecromancerRising)

  Expand entire thread Fall of Gondolin standalone Ardamírë 6010 23 Apr 8 2017, 6:24pm (AltairaGuestJump to last post in thread (by AltairaGuest)

  Expand entire thread Best animated film of the Disney Renaissance ange1e4e5 5265 18 Apr 19 2017, 4:51pm (Kelly of Water's EdgeJump to last post in thread (by Kelly of Water's Edge)

  Expand entire thread Best Pirates of the Caribbean film ange1e4e5 2730 6 Mar 22 2017, 12:21am (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Are you interested? OldestDaughter 3358 13 Mar 26 2017, 3:03pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread Will Logan survive "Logan?" Kilidoescartwheels 2246 8 Apr 10 2017, 3:31am (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread Rogue One vs The Force Awakens HOBBITFAN13 3337 8 Apr 12 2017, 6:17pm (FerethJump to last post in thread (by Fereth)

  Expand entire thread Best "Great Tale" ange1e4e5 2048 14 Feb 13 2017, 10:52am (SilmarilJump to last post in thread (by Silmaril)

  Expand entire thread Ever get annoyed talking about Middle Earth? HOBBITFAN13 2199 8 Mar 10 2017, 3:01pm (ange1e4e5Jump to last post in thread (by ange1e4e5)

  Expand entire thread Which quick ME resource do you most use weathertop 4254 16 Mar 20 2017, 2:15am (ange1e4e5Jump to last post in thread (by ange1e4e5)

  Expand entire thread Gandalf or Magneto? Kilidoescartwheels 3498 22 Mar 16 2017, 9:50pm (ange1e4e5Jump to last post in thread (by ange1e4e5)

  Expand entire thread Pants Darkstone 2680 19 Jan 15 2017, 11:18pm (sparrowruthJump to last post in thread (by sparrowruth)
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