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The Pollantir
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  Sticky: Thread Locked Welcome to The Pollantir Altaira 107136 0 Dec 28 2006, 3:43am Jump to last post in thread (by AltairaGuest)

Expand entire thread New boards... how do you like 'em?? Nomad 7744 31 Aug 4 2007, 11:08pm (TylerJump to last post in thread (by Tyler)

  Expand entire thread How many folks will have registered by Fiesta Friday? Patty 4961 14 Feb 23 2007, 5:51pm (SandWitch KingJump to last post in thread (by SandWitch King)

  Expand entire thread Okay, what should win the Oscar for Best Picture on Sunday Patty 4422 8 Aug 4 2007, 11:12pm (TylerJump to last post in thread (by Tyler)

  Expand entire thread Your complete Oscar(TM) Ballot - PLEASE read before voting SandWitch King 5252 20 Feb 26 2007, 7:01am (AtaahuaJump to last post in thread (by Ataahua)

Expand entire thread New poll: *my first poll!*.. elvenhobbit 3615 9 Nov 10 2009, 1:16pm (balinmanJump to last post in thread (by balinman)

  Expand entire thread What Middle-Earth drink would you most like to sample? luinfalathiel 5014 24 May 3 2009, 3:41pm (LEGIONTXJump to last post in thread (by LEGIONTX)

  Expand entire thread Where in Middle Earth would you like to live? Stapper 7719 38 Nov 12 2009, 7:42pm (balinmanJump to last post in thread (by balinman)

  Expand entire thread How useful is the new board's poll feature? Tampa Phil 2840 6 Feb 26 2007, 6:33am (AtaahuaJump to last post in thread (by Ataahua)

  Expand entire thread Do Balrogs have wings? Stapper 5148 25 May 5 2009, 1:25pm (CuriousJump to last post in thread (by Curious)

  Expand entire thread Who in Middle Earth do others identify you with most? Lossefalme 5563 33 Nov 12 2009, 7:39pm (balinmanJump to last post in thread (by balinman)

  Expand entire thread Some day my Austen prince will come... Patty 3661 19 Jun 14 2014, 3:13pm (DaughterofLaketownJump to last post in thread (by DaughterofLaketown)

  Expand entire thread Captain, my captain . . . Annael 5812 19 Nov 9 2007, 12:24am (DagonetJump to last post in thread (by Dagonet)

  Expand entire thread There'll be some changes made... Patty 4092 22 May 3 2009, 6:54pm (LEGIONTXJump to last post in thread (by LEGIONTX)

  Expand entire thread What do your family and friends think of the time you spend on TORn? Alassëa Eruvande 5850 33 Nov 12 2009, 7:46pm (balinmanJump to last post in thread (by balinman)

  Expand entire thread Immortality Lossefalme 5298 37 May 3 2009, 6:49pm (LEGIONTXJump to last post in thread (by LEGIONTX)
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