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  Expand entire thread What did you think of Rogue One? HOBBITFAN13 2375 14 Jan 11 2017, 4:09pm (Cuwen MaegmacilJump to last post in thread (by Cuwen Maegmacil)

  Expand entire thread Favorite Middle-earth film score. OldestDaughter 3389 25 Jul 21 2017, 6:16pm (KingTurgonJump to last post in thread (by KingTurgon)

  Expand entire thread Favorite Stark Sibling ange1e4e5 1901 5 Mar 3 2017, 10:44am (the 13th warriorJump to last post in thread (by the 13th warrior)

  Expand entire thread Weapon of Choice? Nuradar 2150 18 Jan 24 2017, 1:32pm (SilmarilJump to last post in thread (by Silmaril)

  Expand entire thread Christmas trees OldestDaughter 2734 35 Dec 16 2016, 8:17pm (OldestDaughterJump to last post in thread (by OldestDaughter)

  Expand entire thread A holiday gift-giving/shopping poll Altaira 2807 21 Dec 12 2016, 8:22pm (DarkstoneJump to last post in thread (by Darkstone)

  Expand entire thread How many Hobbit movies should have been made? Silmaril 3979 23 Dec 15 2016, 10:01pm (DainPigJump to last post in thread (by DainPig)

  Expand entire thread are you an Internet fact-checker? Annael 2487 18 Dec 16 2016, 8:57pm (Otaku-sempaiJump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  Expand entire thread Hair! Annael 3127 25 Dec 16 2016, 3:24pm (NuradarJump to last post in thread (by Nuradar)

  Expand entire thread How do you grasp your writing implement? DanielLB 1778 19 Dec 2 2016, 6:35pm (swordwhaleJump to last post in thread (by swordwhale)

  Expand entire thread What natural disaster are you most concerned about? Ataahua 1959 22 Dec 12 2016, 8:29pm (DarkstoneJump to last post in thread (by Darkstone)

  Expand entire thread Should political discussion be banned from TORn? Bracegirdle 2606 24 Dec 23 2016, 10:17pm (FakeJump to last post in thread (by Fake)

  Expand entire thread what superpower would you like to have? Annael 1967 21 Dec 23 2016, 10:36pm (FakeJump to last post in thread (by Fake)

  Expand entire thread Do you speak more than one language? Annael 2324 41 Dec 17 2017, 8:12pm (MistoJump to last post in thread (by Misto)

  Expand entire thread when did you or your ancestors arrive where you live now? Annael 4830 77 Nov 23 2016, 8:48pm (dernwynJump to last post in thread (by dernwyn)
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