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Expand entire thread Favorite Feanorian? RuinielofTaniquetil 4645 8 Oct 30 2020, 1:06pm (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread How do you feel about fight scenes in movies/television? The Grey Elf 11931 26 Oct 30 2020, 1:02pm (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread How old were you when you first encountered death? Annael 8633 20 Oct 31 2020, 11:04am (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread The Peak of your Imagination Cygnus 3973 10 Oct 31 2020, 11:17am (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread Journaling The Grey Elf 3333 10 Oct 31 2020, 10:59am (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread Did you resist the One Ring? Cygnus 5397 8 Apr 1 2019, 9:24pm (DarkstoneJump to last post in thread (by Darkstone)

  Expand entire thread Poll: What would you call a Hobbit Beatle, and other silliness. Lissuin 5339 14 Feb 19 2019, 4:41am (SarumanJump to last post in thread (by Saruman)

  Expand entire thread temperature extremes Annael 5735 21 Oct 31 2020, 10:44pm (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread Astronomy fans: do you think Oumuamua was a light sail or just a rock? CuriousG 9715 20 Jul 4 2019, 5:43pm (OmnigeekJump to last post in thread (by Omnigeek)

  Expand entire thread You're in a movie Cygnus 6385 18 Oct 31 2020, 10:46am (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread Rate the first trailer for Avengers 4! Thor 'n' Oakenshield 3712 10 Dec 17 2018, 9:59pm (Thor 'n' OakenshieldJump to last post in thread (by Thor 'n' Oakenshield)

  Expand entire thread Do you want to see Captain Marvel? Thor 'n' Oakenshield 4578 11 Dec 13 2018, 10:41pm (swordwhaleJump to last post in thread (by swordwhale)

  Expand entire thread Who is your favorite computer voice in a movie? CuriousG 3202 6 Jan 2 2019, 11:47pm (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Christmas Trees! dernwyn 3420 12 Oct 31 2020, 11:34am (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread Who is Your Favorite Beatle? Saruman 3171 4 Dec 6 2018, 7:52pm (Aunt Dora BagginsJump to last post in thread (by Aunt Dora Baggins)
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