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  Expand entire thread Is Climate Change (Global Warming) a problem? Ingwion 10190 148 Nov 24 2016, 2:53pm (DanielLBJump to last post in thread (by DanielLB)

  Expand entire thread do you know where you are? Annael 2501 28 Nov 21 2016, 7:28pm (weathertopJump to last post in thread (by weathertop)

  Expand entire thread Your thoughts on Daylight Saving Ataahua 2738 17 Nov 29 2016, 6:26am (OmnigeekJump to last post in thread (by Omnigeek)

  Expand entire thread Cats OldestDaughter 3179 48 Nov 26 2016, 7:25pm (The Grey ElfJump to last post in thread (by The Grey Elf)

  Expand entire thread American sibs: has this election strained or broken relationships for you? Annael 3704 42 Nov 13 2016, 3:03pm (AnnaelJump to last post in thread (by Annael)

  Expand entire thread Neckties Darkstone 1683 15 Dec 28 2016, 6:37pm (DarkstoneJump to last post in thread (by Darkstone)

  Expand entire thread Best Star Trek Reboot Villain ange1e4e5 1267 4 Nov 29 2016, 6:31am (OmnigeekJump to last post in thread (by Omnigeek)

  Expand entire thread Who's your favorite Tolkien artist? ange1e4e5 2604 19 Nov 4 2016, 12:49am (AnnaelJump to last post in thread (by Annael)

  Expand entire thread Would you read the book version of Beren and Luthien, announced earlier this month? ange1e4e5 1314 3 Nov 1 2016, 5:56pm (malickfanJump to last post in thread (by malickfan)

  Expand entire thread Favorite book in the LOTR's trilogy OldestDaughter 2237 21 Nov 3 2016, 3:01am (Aunt Dora BagginsJump to last post in thread (by Aunt Dora Baggins)

  Expand entire thread Why do you vote the way you do? Annael 2551 21 Nov 29 2016, 6:38am (OmnigeekJump to last post in thread (by Omnigeek)

  Expand entire thread Gentle or blunt? lionoferebor 7826 23 Dec 17 2017, 8:20pm (MistoJump to last post in thread (by Misto)

  Expand entire thread Best Film Series HOBBITFAN13 1863 9 Oct 27 2016, 2:57pm (OldestDaughterJump to last post in thread (by OldestDaughter)

  Expand entire thread Which Harry Potter Movie are you going to see in Theaters? HOBBITFAN13 1087 5 Oct 18 2016, 6:15pm (swordwhaleJump to last post in thread (by swordwhale)

  Expand entire thread Worst lines in LOTR movies Annael 3319 29 Nov 8 2016, 5:23pm (StarlingJump to last post in thread (by Starling)
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