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Movie Discussion: The Hobbit
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  Sticky: Thread Locked Welcome to the Hobbit Movie board! Altaira 949541 0 May 24 2008, 1:58am Jump to last post in thread (by AltairaGuest)

  Expand entire thread Sticky: How Best to Contact an Admin for Help Kyriel 725260 1 Sep 23 2016, 1:33pm (LittleHobbitJump to last post in thread (by LittleHobbit)

  Expand entire thread Sticky: The Courtesy of our Halls (Discussion Guidelines) Silverlode 834858 11 Oct 26 2016, 7:59am (LittleHobbitJump to last post in thread (by LittleHobbit)

  Expand entire thread Sticky: An open letter to the Hobbit forum Silverlode 420610 34 Aug 18 2018, 10:20am (Mari D.Jump to last post in thread (by Mari D.)

  Expand entire thread New trailer announced ! -Bugi- 16840 53 Sep 30 2013, 11:32pm (BumblingidiotJump to last post in thread (by Bumblingidiot)

  Expand entire thread Last day of shooting -Bugi- 29801 93 Jul 28 2013, 6:13am (patrickkJump to last post in thread (by patrickk)

  Expand entire thread GDT Interview .Ithilwen. 7660 9 Jun 10 2009, 5:20pm (Ainu LaireJump to last post in thread (by Ainu Laire)

  Expand entire thread Dwarf personalities 1415dr 7983 14 Feb 13 2013, 2:47pm (idunaJump to last post in thread (by iduna)

  Expand entire thread Bombur in TaBA (speculation spoilers) 1415dr 11287 10 Dec 18 2013, 7:39am (DanielLBJump to last post in thread (by DanielLB)

  Expand entire thread Do we need Bolg to take over from Azog? 1415dr 7462 18 Jun 26 2013, 4:30am (AinurOlorinJump to last post in thread (by AinurOlorin)

  Expand entire thread Pessimist pleasantly surprised (Spoilers) 1415dr 6152 7 Dec 16 2013, 4:52pm (happydoodJump to last post in thread (by happydood)

  Expand entire thread extended cut a mixed bag 1924 5543 14 Oct 14 2015, 2:10pm (Thrain IIJump to last post in thread (by Thrain II)

  Expand entire thread Quote missing from the extended cut *spoiler* 1924 5110 7 Oct 14 2015, 5:32am (AvandelJump to last post in thread (by Avandel)

  Expand entire thread Wingnut films releases statement on the recent articles about Peter Jackson "Admitting why Hobbit films were bad" or something similar 1924 6637 14 Nov 22 2015, 7:33am (mae govannenJump to last post in thread (by mae govannen)

  Expand entire thread Who is seeing DOS EE tonight 1924 9068 35 Oct 11 2015, 2:34am (LSFJump to last post in thread (by LSF)

  Expand entire thread Best Buy has the best deals for the EE version 1924 4682 6 Nov 25 2015, 1:14am (GlorfindelaJump to last post in thread (by Glorfindela)

  Expand entire thread will Peter Jackson address any of the controversies in his commentary 1924 16879 57 Aug 27 2015, 2:35pm (GoldeneyeJump to last post in thread (by Goldeneye)

  Expand entire thread they should give the extended version a limited IMAX/large screen release 1924 9078 9 Aug 4 2015, 2:38pm (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread Do they talk about the negative reaction to Alfrid in the commentary 1924 4590 5 Nov 18 2015, 10:16pm (1924Jump to last post in thread (by 1924)
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