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  Expand entire thread Laurelin and Telperion necklace with moonstones :) basti255 18213 5 Nov 2 2020, 4:35pm (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  The Great Hall of Poets NewsfromBree 5387 0 Sep 1 2018, 1:20am Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)

  Expand entire thread Elvish music compilation AmandaDahlia 5116 1 Aug 30 2018, 12:45pm (Ryan KurtJump to last post in thread (by Ryan Kurt)

  The Great Hall of Poets NewsfromBree 2849 0 Aug 1 2018, 5:26am Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)

  Turgon and Tuor dlnewhouse 3031 0 Jul 21 2018, 8:56pm Jump to last post in thread (by dlnewhouse)

  The Great Hall of Poets NewsfromBree 2341 0 Jun 30 2018, 11:54pm Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)

  Expand entire thread Wrote a new Middle Earth Story Wainrider 11649 24 Jul 22 2018, 5:59pm (AsgerJump to last post in thread (by Asger)

  Expand entire thread Silly animated Video Rubber John 3702 1 Jun 22 2018, 1:06pm (Otaku-sempaiJump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  The Great Hall of Poets NewsfromBree 7266 0 Jun 1 2018, 10:36am Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)

  Expand entire thread 'Lothlórien' and 'Galadriel' compositions AmandaDahlia 2699 1 May 30 2018, 12:47am (AttalusJump to last post in thread (by Attalus)

Yavanna poem search - Help? gkgyver 4792 0 May 21 2018, 4:06am Jump to last post in thread (by gkgyver)

  Expand entire thread Made a new Middle Earth video Wainrider 6222 4 May 10 2018, 4:23am (AttalusJump to last post in thread (by Attalus)

  The Great Hall of Poets NewsfromBree 3521 0 Apr 30 2018, 7:16am Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)

  Expand entire thread My Silmarillion cosplays Foedhrass 16170 8 Aug 17 2018, 3:20pm (FoedhrassJump to last post in thread (by Foedhrass)

  Expand entire thread I need some help with my Tengwar. This is for tattoo pruposes krunchyfrogg 14426 6 Apr 4 2018, 12:55am (dernwynJump to last post in thread (by dernwyn)
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