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Gaming and Collecting
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  The Most Mod Friendly Game Ever Coming Soon!!! LOTR mod? Tolkien R.J.J 3098 0 Dec 5 2018, 12:00am Jump to last post in thread (by Tolkien R.J.J)

  Buy The Laughter of Dragons The One Ring RPG PDF NOW Otaku-sempai 3541 0 Nov 28 2018, 3:26pm Jump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  Expand entire thread Wii Lego LOTR game Cygnus 7422 13 Dec 26 2018, 4:35am (CygnusJump to last post in thread (by Cygnus)

  Expand entire thread What are your favorite collectibles? Cygnus 7951 14 Nov 27 2018, 3:24am (AshNazgJump to last post in thread (by AshNazg)

  Collecting The Precious - Weta Workshop's Grishnakh Statue Pre-Order NewsfromBree 2813 0 Nov 13 2018, 1:43am Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)

  Happy Hobbit Halloween Special NewsfromBree 3787 0 Oct 31 2018, 2:42pm Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)

  Collecting The Precious - Weta Workshop's Eomer on Firefoot Review NewsfromBree 3331 0 Oct 26 2018, 4:31pm Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)

  Expand entire thread A Bestiary of Tolkien: A Coloring Book Otaku-sempai 5087 4 Oct 22 2018, 6:03pm (Otaku-sempaiJump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  Subject: The Hall of Fire, Volume 2, Issue 3 is available! Otaku-sempai 4061 0 Sep 18 2018, 10:09pm Jump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  Expand entire thread New Middle Earth MMO MedwedtoBeorn 5470 4 Sep 6 2018, 12:07pm (Otaku-sempaiJump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  Expand entire thread Games Workshop: Battle of Pelennor Fields NewsfromBree 3810 3 Nov 12 2018, 10:49am (ElanorTXJump to last post in thread (by ElanorTX)

  Has anyone tried gaming Bard and the Elvenking trying to storm Erebor? noWizardme 2667 0 Aug 30 2018, 1:18pm Jump to last post in thread (by noWizardme)

  The One Ring™ RPG on Humble Bundle! Otaku-sempai 2613 0 Aug 27 2018, 2:03pm Jump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  Hall of Fire chat tomorrow: Farewell to Lorien NewsfromBree 3394 0 Aug 18 2018, 12:01am Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)

  Collecting The Precious - Weta Workshop's Balrog Mini Epic Review NewsfromBree 1666 0 Aug 5 2018, 5:39am Jump to last post in thread (by NewsfromBree)
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