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  Expand entire thread Queen Berúthiel versus Catwoman Darkstone 10751 12 Jul 1 2017, 1:15am (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Sir Edmund Hillary versus Caradhras Darkstone 10809 5 Oct 13 2017, 9:52am (the 13th warriorJump to last post in thread (by the 13th warrior)

  Expand entire thread Night King vs Sauron boldog 10885 2 Sep 14 2017, 4:00pm (PadsterJump to last post in thread (by Padster)

  Expand entire thread Mr. Spock vs. Dracula the 13th warrior 8779 4 May 25 2017, 11:41pm (the 13th warriorJump to last post in thread (by the 13th warrior)

  Expand entire thread Groot vs Treebeard sevilodorf 7009 3 Apr 25 2017, 12:22pm (Ruxendil_ThoorgJump to last post in thread (by Ruxendil_Thoorg)

  LOTR's Grond versus Dumb and Dumber's Mutt Cutts van Darkstone 4341 0 Apr 20 2017, 6:47pm Jump to last post in thread (by Darkstone)

  Expand entire thread In keeping with the March Madness..... Tom Bombadil VS Aragorn.... sevilodorf 3987 3 Apr 24 2017, 11:49pm (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Vingilótë and "the great birds of heaven" versus Baron von Richthofen and his Flying Circus Darkstone 6884 2 Mar 8 2017, 1:54am (dernwynJump to last post in thread (by dernwyn)

  Hamlet versus Turin Darkstone 6383 0 Feb 14 2017, 10:30pm Jump to last post in thread (by Darkstone)

  Expand entire thread Galadriel versus Morgan le Fay Darkstone 6694 4 Feb 2 2017, 10:10pm (DarkstoneJump to last post in thread (by Darkstone)

  Expand entire thread Sauron versus Goku Darkstone 5411 3 Jan 31 2017, 3:49am (LittleHobbitJump to last post in thread (by LittleHobbit)

  Expand entire thread Barliman Butterbur versus Basil Fawlty Darkstone 5711 3 Apr 11 2017, 3:12am (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread Legolas (and Gimli) versus Chirrut Îmwe (and Baze Malbus) Ruxendil_Thoorg 3527 1 Dec 28 2016, 5:57pm (DarkstoneJump to last post in thread (by Darkstone)

  Expand entire thread Cirdan versus Henry J. Kaiser Darkstone 4552 6 Dec 24 2016, 5:14am (Otaku-sempaiJump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  Expand entire thread Paladin & ‘Hey Boy’ versus Boromir & Barliman Butterbur Bracegirdle 3370 4 Dec 12 2016, 10:15pm (BracegirdleJump to last post in thread (by Bracegirdle)
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