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  Expand entire thread Sword vs Spear Eruonen 44060 5 Dec 11 2018, 6:24pm (CirashalaJump to last post in thread (by Cirashala)

  Expand entire thread Cartier versus Celebrimbor Darkstone 38077 3 Jan 3 2022, 3:35pm (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)

  Expand entire thread Alexander the Great and his armies vs Harad Southrons Eruonen 25153 5 Aug 31 2018, 2:52pm (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread Witch-king of Angmar vs. Count Dracula Petty Dwarf 17964 4 Jan 2 2019, 11:38pm (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Bandobras Took versus Abner Doubleday Darkstone 11290 2 Aug 13 2018, 12:59am (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Saruman versus Dick Dastardly Darkstone 5625 2 Jan 2 2019, 11:36pm (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Olórin versus Nyarlathotep Darkstone 4637 2 Jul 27 2018, 11:29pm (BracegirdleJump to last post in thread (by Bracegirdle)

  Expand entire thread Tom, Bert, and William versus The Three Billy Goats Gruff Darkstone 14011 5 Jun 3 2018, 6:31pm (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Beorn vs Balrog MedwedtoBeorn 32879 4 Jan 2 2019, 11:35pm (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Bombadil versus The Talking Purse Darkstone 6289 4 Mar 24 2018, 5:10am (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread Faramir versus Loki Darkstone 5526 1 Mar 10 2018, 8:53pm (MeneldorJump to last post in thread (by Meneldor)

  Expand entire thread Aragorn v Conan: Dawn of Fellowship Darkstone 9068 3 Feb 10 2018, 3:27pm (the 13th warriorJump to last post in thread (by the 13th warrior)

  The Night King vs Sauron ange1e4e5 3554 0 Feb 4 2018, 10:36pm Jump to last post in thread (by ange1e4e5)

  Expand entire thread Is a Great Eagle or Balrog more powerful? Gothmog_Balrog 8545 11 Mar 24 2018, 5:03am (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread Disney's Beauty and the Beast versus Tolkien's Beren and Luthien. Darkstone 14042 2 Oct 31 2020, 9:01pm (IorethJump to last post in thread (by Ioreth)
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