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The Arena
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Sticky: How Best to Contact an Admin for Help Kyriel 147615 0 Mar 31 2009, 10:51pm Jump to last post in thread (by Kyriel)

  Sticky: Thread Locked Welcome to The Arena Altaira 157601 0 Dec 28 2006, 3:36am Jump to last post in thread (by AltairaGuest)

  Expand entire thread Aragorn VS Captain America Tyler 14861 6 Jun 29 2013, 2:54pm (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

  Expand entire thread Bandobras Took versus Abner Doubleday Darkstone 11288 2 Aug 13 2018, 12:59am (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread Captain Peter Jackson of Umbar versus Captain Jack Sparrow of Tortuga CaptainMorgan 7901 11 Mar 4 2016, 11:59pm (DwarewienJump to last post in thread (by Dwarewien)

  Expand entire thread King Arthur vs. King Aragorn The White Wizard 7956 7 Feb 24 2013, 12:07am (Otaku-sempaiJump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  Expand entire thread Lembas vs Holiday Fruitcake SirDennisC 19378 16 Jul 4 2013, 11:25am (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

  Expand entire thread "Valarated" Turin vs. Smaug Keebler the Elf 17928 10 Jun 29 2013, 3:53pm (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

**Countdown to Founders Day -- Two Flirting Doves** weaver 3281 0 Apr 24 2011, 3:54pm Jump to last post in thread (by weaver)

Thread Locked **FD: You're invited to TORn's Founders Day party! grammaboodawg 9491 0 Apr 26 2010, 4:11pm Jump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread **TORn vs the past Ten Years: The Arena Anniversary Party thread Aunt Dora Baggins 55910 49 May 4 2009, 2:52pm (Alassëa EruvandeJump to last post in thread (by Alassëa Eruvande)

  Expand entire thread 100 Ithilien Rangers and 100 Gondor Soldiers w/spears vs. 200 Roman Legionaires (100 with bows) Keebler the Elf 25695 20 Jun 29 2013, 4:02pm (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

  Expand entire thread 2 Sherrif Hobbits w/ staffs vs. the Gaffer Keebler the Elf 15960 10 Jun 29 2013, 4:00pm (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

  Expand entire thread 200 Gondor Fountain Guards vs. 200 Roman Legionaires Keebler the Elf 21716 13 Jun 29 2013, 4:03pm (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

  Expand entire thread 3-way Mordor Turf War Dreamdeer 12051 4 Jun 29 2013, 4:30pm (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

  Expand entire thread 500,000 orcs vs 300 spartans arnoriansoldier 6983 11 Dec 6 2013, 12:04am (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

Expand entire thread A modern MiddleEarth Olympics?! Bombadil 8805 9 Aug 15 2012, 5:44pm (Noel Q. von SchneiffelJump to last post in thread (by Noel Q. von Schneiffel)
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