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  Expand entire thread WiKi versus Space Ghost Darkstone 3999 1 Jan 21 2016, 4:40pm (Otaku-sempaiJump to last post in thread (by Otaku-sempai)

  Expand entire thread Saruman vs The Witch King of Angmar Shinra Tensei 4550 4 Mar 10 2016, 8:53pm (PadsterJump to last post in thread (by Padster)

  Expand entire thread Huan versus Lassie Darkstone 3200 5 Jan 1 2016, 7:59pm (malickfanJump to last post in thread (by malickfan)

  Expand entire thread Help Sauron...less than an hour left shimel 2683 1 Oct 28 2015, 2:10pm (BracegirdleJump to last post in thread (by Bracegirdle)

  Ultimate Saga's Battle: LOTR saga vs The Hobbit saga lastnickleft 2245 0 Oct 24 2015, 3:57am Jump to last post in thread (by lastnickleft)

  Expand entire thread Captain Peter Jackson of Umbar versus Captain Jack Sparrow of Tortuga CaptainMorgan 7900 11 Mar 4 2016, 11:59pm (DwarewienJump to last post in thread (by Dwarewien)

  Expand entire thread Boromir vs Barristan Selmy Radagast-Aiwendil 28238 3 Mar 10 2016, 9:00pm (PadsterJump to last post in thread (by Padster)

  Expand entire thread Turin Turambar vs Darth Vader adam 13846 5 Jan 27 2016, 5:12am (Beleg489CúthalionJump to last post in thread (by Beleg489Cúthalion)

  Expand entire thread Hugh Jackman steals Thorin's line!?! Kilidoescartwheels 22178 10 Mar 4 2016, 4:23am (TaliaEmeraldJump to last post in thread (by TaliaEmerald)

  Expand entire thread Who wins? Turin Turambar and Aragorn vs Sauron and Glaurung adam 10326 3 Mar 10 2016, 9:02pm (PadsterJump to last post in thread (by Padster)

  Expand entire thread Shelob vs Aragog Eruonen 14281 3 Sep 23 2015, 8:30pm (GollumLovesFishJump to last post in thread (by GollumLovesFish)

  Expand entire thread Fëanor versus Inspector Gadget Darkstone 3593 2 Jan 1 2016, 3:27am (MacilielJump to last post in thread (by Maciliel)

  Expand entire thread Numenoreans -vs - 2d Century CE Roman Empire. lazycat1966 4104 2 Jul 22 2015, 4:51pm (BracegirdleJump to last post in thread (by Bracegirdle)

  Expand entire thread Middle Earth MMA Eruonen 8842 4 Jul 17 2015, 4:26am (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread Sauron vs. Palpatine LegatusLanius 23163 2 Jul 25 2015, 3:01pm (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)
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