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  Sticky: Thread Locked Welcome to The Arena Altaira 157506 0 Dec 28 2006, 3:36am Jump to last post in thread (by AltairaGuest)

Sticky: How Best to Contact an Admin for Help Kyriel 147520 0 Mar 31 2009, 10:51pm Jump to last post in thread (by Kyriel)

  Expand entire thread Glaurung vs Godzilla adam 5324 9 Jun 16 2012, 1:16pm (Ruxendil_ThoorgJump to last post in thread (by Ruxendil_Thoorg)

  Expand entire thread Turin Turambar vs Darth Vader adam 13850 5 Jan 27 2016, 5:12am (Beleg489CúthalionJump to last post in thread (by Beleg489Cúthalion)

  Expand entire thread Turin Turambar vs. Darth Vader, He-Man and Godzilla adam 3411 2 Mar 27 2014, 4:22am (BracegirdleJump to last post in thread (by Bracegirdle)

  Expand entire thread Turin Turambar vs Achilles adam 4076 7 Jun 26 2012, 10:55pm (GothmogTheBalrogJump to last post in thread (by GothmogTheBalrog)

  Expand entire thread Master Yoda vs Gandalf adam 5374 13 Jul 1 2012, 8:28am (DanielLBJump to last post in thread (by DanielLB)

  Expand entire thread Who wins? Turin Turambar and Aragorn vs Sauron and Glaurung adam 10326 3 Mar 10 2016, 9:02pm (PadsterJump to last post in thread (by Padster)

  Expand entire thread Turin and Hurin vs. Conan and Aragorn adam 6210 5 Aug 6 2012, 10:55pm (BeornBerserkerJump to last post in thread (by BeornBerserker)

  Expand entire thread Turin vs Hurin in both their prime? adam 6086 9 Jan 7 2014, 4:46pm (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

  Expand entire thread Turin Turambar vs. Thor adam 3610 5 Mar 30 2014, 9:11pm (BracegirdleJump to last post in thread (by Bracegirdle)

  Expand entire thread Tulkas vs Thor? adam 3912 4 Apr 2 2014, 5:09am (BracegirdleJump to last post in thread (by Bracegirdle)

  Expand entire thread Who wins? adam 4381 5 Mar 20 2014, 7:04pm (BlackFoxJump to last post in thread (by BlackFox)

  Expand entire thread who would win? adam 4582 8 Jan 7 2014, 4:45pm (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)

  Expand entire thread Turin vs The Major Oil Companys adam 4236 3 Nov 20 2012, 2:21pm (BeornBerserkerJump to last post in thread (by BeornBerserker)

  Expand entire thread Ancalagon vs. Smaug Airaloske 12329 13 Feb 26 2011, 8:57am (Tolkien ForeverJump to last post in thread (by Tolkien Forever)

  Expand entire thread Loki vs. Sauron Alientraveller 9371 4 Jan 7 2014, 4:48pm (AncalagontheBlackJump to last post in thread (by AncalagontheBlack)
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