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  Expand entire thread It's the occasional reading thread! Lily Fairbairn 717 7 Feb 15, 8:41pm (Greenwood HobbitJump to last post in thread (by Greenwood Hobbit)

  Expand entire thread Interesting street name I came across -- Tolkien Passage Medford, NJ Eruonen 485 2 Feb 7, 11:34pm (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  A modern "hobbit" / "wizard" popped up on my YouTube....Malcolm Guite Eruonen 350 0 Feb 7, 3:49pm Jump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread *Rings Bell--- It's time for Fiesta Friday!! Caught in a Groundhog Day loop!! grammaboodawg 1994 45 Feb 9, 11:22pm (cats16Jump to last post in thread (by cats16)

  Expand entire thread What are you watching? Awards Season Edition! cats16 1614 20 Feb 22, 9:53pm (DwarewienJump to last post in thread (by Dwarewien)

  Expand entire thread It's Friday – so it's Fiesta (with a hint of Burns Night flavour!) Greenwood Hobbit 1834 63 Jan 30, 9:19am (Greenwood HobbitJump to last post in thread (by Greenwood Hobbit)

  A "Mistborn" movie appears to be moving forward Eruonen 499 0 Jan 25, 4:13am Jump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread Jeanne de Belleville (short movie) Fichtenbrenner 448 1 Jan 23, 8:02pm (AnnaelJump to last post in thread (by Annael)

  Expand entire thread *gets keys, unlocks door* It's warm inside - come on in for Fiesta Friday! dernwyn 1694 35 Jan 22, 11:04pm (cats16Jump to last post in thread (by cats16)

  Expand entire thread It's the occasional reading thread! Lily Fairbairn 616 4 Jan 20, 7:54pm (sevilodorfJump to last post in thread (by sevilodorf)

  Expand entire thread It's Fiesta once again. Come join us! Altaira 2421 53 Jan 19, 2:11pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread Radioactivate your inner Lovecraft CMackintosh 666 1 Jan 8, 4:23pm (noWizardmeJump to last post in thread (by noWizardme)

Expand entire thread It's 2024; time to update your "Speak, friend, & enter" password--humor CuriousG 676 5 Jan 7, 5:28pm (Ethel DuathJump to last post in thread (by Ethel Duath)

  Expand entire thread Help Ring in the First Fiesta of 2024! Altaira 2463 58 Jan 10, 7:51pm (Greenwood HobbitJump to last post in thread (by Greenwood Hobbit)

  Expand entire thread Queen Margrethe of Denmark has abdicated Kimi 642 3 Dec 31 2023, 10:04pm (CuriousGJump to last post in thread (by CuriousG)
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